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322 results found

  1. A Xbox live app that had a monthly streaming subscription would be amazing!!!!!

    A Xbox live app that had a monthly streaming subscription would be amazing!!!!!

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  2. Receive Riff-Free copy of streaming movies as well

    It would be great if when a B-movie was purchased (i.e. Wonder Women) there was an option to download the film sans riffs. I know this seemingly defeats the point, but I think it may be fun to watch the movie first without riffs on some occasions. Some of the odd Italian ripoff films are tough to find on DVD/BLU because no one in their right mind would purchase them, but you guys seemingly have rights. Just throwing it out there.

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  3. Add Rifftrax Live location in Santa fe NM?

    I don't want to drive to ABQ and get shot for a Rifftrax Live event... Thank Ye.

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  4. Can't filter catalog on mobile without lots of scrolling

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. On mobile device (iPhone 6S), go to
    2. Scroll to the bottom to try to get to the filters.

    Expected Result
    You see filters and can change them

    Actual Result
    The page keeps lazy-loading more movies in the catalog.

    Since the site is responsive, it's probably pushing the filter section to after the catalog, but when the browser gets to the bottom of the catalog, it loads more episodes. Now the filters get moved down to underneath the next X episodes that loaded. Unless the loading fails or you have the reflexes of a Pumaman,…

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  5. Contrasting volumes

    Hey guys, big fan.

    This might be a bit of a minor thing, but a lot of your guy's trax have the riff volume WAY over the volume of the actual movie, especially if there's whispering, so it's hard to get the context of the actual joke. Maybe if it was more equalized? I dunno, just a thought. Keep up the good work!

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  6. batman shorts

    I would like to be able to be able to get the batman shorts as one download

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  7. RiffTrax Live!: Gigli (2003)

    I'll give you six good reasons:

    *This stars Ben Affleck (who you guys hate already as is) in his worst acting hour to date
    * This stars J. Lo (Anaconda) in another equally sexy yet flat out atrocious role that no one could be proud of
    * It's owned by Sony
    * It's made as many bad movie lists as The Room, Birdemic and Crossroads combined
    * It has hysterical cameos by A-listers such as Christopher Walken and Al Pacino
    * The language is no worse than anything in The Room and there is no graphic sex and violence is…

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  8. Explanation of quality for downloads

    Used to explain what the quality of each download type was. Can't find that now and I had found that very useful in the past.

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  9. All Rifftrax Live events on Blu-ray/DVD?

    I would like to see all Rifftrax Live events available on Blu-ray and DVD for those of us that are uncomfortable with download only content. Thanks for your consideration.

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  10. A comprehensive list of anyone who has ever been a riffer

    I would like just a simple link list containing the name of anyone that has ever done voice work for any Rifftrax production (no matter how large or small their part was). There have been a LOT of celebrity riffers and I would love to be able to browse a list to see if I've missed any over the years!

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  11. 12 votes

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  12. Canadian Showings!

    I keep getting emails for rifftrax live events but I live in Canada and they are only ever showing them in the US. Will there be any plans for Canadian showings? I'd go to all of them and I'm always sad when I see they are for the US only.

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  13. Please release Rifftrax Live: Mothra!

    It's simple, really. I missed RL: Mothra in the theater last year - heartbroken over that - and have been waiting patiently for it to be available for purchase. Well, I would purchase it even if I had seen it, but you get my drift. So, just wanting to know what's up with no release.

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  14. Nintendo Switch App

    Can you please make a RiffTrax App for the Nintendo Switch?

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  15. Auto Play

    Have the option of setting my library up as autoplay. You could maybe have a playlist option that would allow me to set up videos with a theme or of a certain type. I have a very large playlist of over 300 rifftrax and would like o have them play in succession.

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  16. More Serials sold better!

    I just finished watching the 15 Batman shorts again and love them just as much as the first time. This made me sad that I was so hesitant to dive into them which I'm sure others are. I would love to see more of this kind of thing but I'm betting that many may have avoided it for various reasons so here's some problems and solutions for a hopeful next serial.

    The number of episodes was daunting. It was annoying to hit buy 15 times. I would suggest episode 1 for free to overcome that "do I really want to…

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  17. Whiny collector #3991: But my DVDs....

    Guys/Gals: I recognize that this is not an "issue" on any planet but Fussypants 5, but: I'm so enamored of your new My Library (with the sorting and the searching and the whatnot) that it PAINS me, PAINS me to not be able to integrate my purchased Shorts collection DVDs with the Library. Now I'm NOT asking to be allowed to stream or otherwise view the items that I have on DVD -- uh, especially given that I bought sommmmmost of them from An-unaMAble-oZer-vendOr-you-get-the-picture -- but what my whiny collector genes really want is a way to mark catalog items…

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  18. and one of the things I've always loved about your humor is that you never used gratuitous humor. The few times there were "gay" jokes, they

    I have been a fan of you all since the days of Comedy Central and one of the things I've always loved about your humor is that you never used gratuitous humor. The few times there were "gay" jokes, they were subversive and didn't rely on stereotypes or cheap gags. HOWEVER, more than once I've noticed that in Rifftrax you all will straight up call something "gay" as if that's the joke. It's lazy and beneath you guys, to be honest. This is really the only problem I have with what I've always otherwise esteemed as an example of most…

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  19. Pay with Bitcoin

    Hello everyone, first I'd like to thank the Rifftrax team for providing my wife and I countless hours of laugh out loud comedy. I won't openly admit that I viewed many Rifftrax from 'non-official' sources, but I will admit that the 1 BTC donation (~$230) I sent a couple days ago has settled my conscience.

    I couldn't be more excited to watch Sharknado (currently downloading as I type this). When I purchased Sharknado just now, I hoped to pay via Bitcoin but it appears that you only accept bitcoin donations rather than accepting bitcoin as payment.

    I'm not complaining in…

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  20. Make audio levels consistent for VOD

    Hey, as you may or may not know, I watch a lot of your VOD movies and I am constantly needed to change the volume level. I see this even on newer VODs. Is there a way to make the audio levels consistent for all VODs going forward?

    Thanks and much love,
    Mark Edwards

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