RiffTrax Live!: Gigli (2003)
I'll give you six good reasons:
*This stars Ben Affleck (who you guys hate already as is) in his worst acting hour to date
* This stars J. Lo (Anaconda) in another equally sexy yet flat out atrocious role that no one could be proud of
* It's owned by Sony
* It's made as many bad movie lists as The Room, Birdemic and Crossroads combined
* It has hysterical cameos by A-listers such as Christopher Walken and Al Pacino
* The language is no worse than anything in The Room and there is no graphic sex and violence is minimal and will have people hollering madly so it's not overtly disturbing either.

Adam Wyker commented
Dilly dilly Jeff, I’m with you on this monstrosity. Those two (Ben and Jenny from the block) absolutely deserve to be reminded of this one...
Jeff Mackey commented
I still want this to happen badly!