Explanation of quality for downloads
Used to explain what the quality of each download type was. Can't find that now and I had found that very useful in the past.

See our comment and the FAQ page here: http://ideas.rifftrax.com/knowledgebase/articles/468371-what-do-your-video-formats-mean
Hello, there is an article on the FAQ here: http://ideas.rifftrax.com/knowledgebase/articles/468371-what-do-your-video-formats-mean
We link to this on all of the download pages, too!
Let us know if we can add anything further to make this page easier to find.
etherknight commented
Also, please explain why the 'To Burn' version (ISO) is so much larger than the 'High TV' version (which I thought was the highest possible resolution)? Case in point, "Hawk the Slayer":
Download to Burn (3.96 GB)
High TV (1.68 GB)