Pay with Bitcoin
Hello everyone, first I'd like to thank the Rifftrax team for providing my wife and I countless hours of laugh out loud comedy. I won't openly admit that I viewed many Rifftrax from 'non-official' sources, but I will admit that the 1 BTC donation (~$230) I sent a couple days ago has settled my conscience.
I couldn't be more excited to watch Sharknado (currently downloading as I type this). When I purchased Sharknado just now, I hoped to pay via Bitcoin but it appears that you only accept bitcoin donations rather than accepting bitcoin as payment.
I'm not complaining in any way, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm a single party that would prefer to pay with bitcoin (maybe there are others like me, or maybe more will be coming soon). I suspect that you already know how to use a service like Bitpay or Coinbase to accept BTC as payment and receive USD payments, but if you ever needed some guidance don't hesitate to contact me. I've studied BTC for 4 years and I'd love to help facilitate acceptance of bitcoin as point of sale if or when you all are ready for it.
Please don't ever stop making movies fun!
-Mike Reardon

We’re working on it! As a digital company, we’re working on accepting digital payment. We have bitcoin available on our page, but it’s been a bit involved integrating with our shopping cart, but we’re getting closer.