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Tell us 3 good reasons your movie should be considered. Include photos and links and your suggestion MAY end up on or in movie theaters for RiffTrax LIVE!

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7496 results found

  1. Return To Frogtown

    Perfect filmmaking garbage just waiting for a rifftrax.

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  2. Skyscraper (2018)

    2018 film with Dwayne Johnson where he moves to Hong Kong and him and his family live in a skyscraper that starts to go on fire!
    It's not that bad, but could be a good JTJ.

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  3. Nightmare at the Fear Factory

    This movie is a hidden gem. Great characters and one-liners. I dare anyone to watch and not utter a single riff. It's the tee-ball of riffing challenges.

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  4. Son of Dracula 1943

    Miss Bridget and Miss Mary Joe, please riff all the old Lon Chaney Jr horror movies you can! You ladies would make these movies so classic/epic!

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  5. Iron Warrior starring Miles O'keeffe

    It's an epic fantasy with twice the O'Keeffe, as his own evil twin...need I say more? It's the perfect movie for Rifftrax!
    This movie is filled with odd makeup and costumes revealing constant boobage, lots of fabulous hair fluttering sceens, glimpses of camper trailers and random hikers in the background and painfully slow fight scenes. Enjoy hilariously bad special effects and scantily clad ladies being dragged by horses...? WTF?..
    Halfway through the movie you still won't know what is actually going on or where the plot is. Please riff this gem for us Rifftrax!

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  6. Curse 2: The Bite

    This particular piece of Hollywood fool's gold is the sequel to Wil Wheaton/Claude Akins' The Curse, and while the audience is spared from seeing Wil Wheaton in tighty-whities, it does give the audience a scene with Jamie Farr in bed with a female trucker post-tryst. (And I use the term 'female' loosely.)

    It follows a couple taking a road trip through the Southwest, where a local nuclear accident has men in white Hazmat suits (or beekeepers--it's hard to tell) bagging the local snake population for fear of a possible Spiderman scenario.

    When a snake hitches a ride in the couple's…

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  7. Untamed Youth

    The only S1 film not listed on here yet!
    Anyway, it has some moments that are ripe for riffing and one song that will be in your head for hours! (Everyone who has seen this will know what I'm talking about!)
    Would love to see these 3 take a swing at it, or the girls!

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  8. Crawling Hand

    One of the better S1 episodes of MST3K, but it could use a reriff though! Some very amusing moments in the film!

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  9. Women of the Prehistoric Planet

    Redo of probably the best s1 episode (one of the few that is actually fun to rewatch), it could use some new riffs

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  10. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

    Frank Sinatra and Angela Lansbury in this Cold War era, political paranoia peace.

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  11. Grandmother’s House

    Over the river and through the woods An orphaned brother (Eric Foster) and sister (Kim Valentine) move in with their grandparents, who turn out to be killers. Starring the boyfriend cry wilderness (Foster) and uncle Leo from Seinfeld as grandpa. Bigfoot will not be there to save the kid this time around.

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  12. It Had To Be You (2000)

    I don't know, I just want y'all to do another little rom-com, and this one's really cheesy and has bad dialogue. Starring that actress from the movie Species and that actor from the show Alias and Paulie from The Sopranos is running around there somewhere for some reason.

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  13. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

    Please this whole spinoff series

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  14. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1973)

    Recently reviewed on the How Did This Get Made podcast.
    A Jesus allegory with only seagull performers. You would assume it's an animated film but you'd be dead wrong. It's all B roll on seagulls at a dump and beyond.

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  15. Terror in the Haunted House

    I've been meaning to watch this for a while. It needs a riff.

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  16. The Being (1983)

    a 1983 American horror film written and directed by Jackie Kong in her directorial debut, starring Martin Landau, José Ferrer, Dorothy Malone, comedian Ruth Buzzi, Marianne Gordon, and exploitation film producer Bill Osco, who is billed as "Rexx Coltrane" in the opening credits and "Johnny Commander" in the closing credits.

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  17. More live horror movie shows

    Please make more horror movie live shows like Godzilla and others available for those who are terminally ill gals and disabled who can't get to the live shows to see them?Absolutely love Mike,Kevin,and Bill and hope and pray you and all of the riffers though those are tops to me, and all out there are blessed and happy!!!😁🎀🎈😎🌹🐰🐦🐥🌈🌷🥀🌼🐇⚘🌺😍

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  18. The Lottery 1969

    Among all the odd shorts that left people dead, this one left a huge WTF moment. Based on the original short story of the same title, and before the 1996 film. This shows how cruel and horrible traditions can be.

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  19. Blackjack

    Blackjack is a John Woo directed TV movie starring Dolph Lundgren as a bodyguard who is instantly debilitated at the sight of the color white. He is trying to balance catching a failed Shakespearen actor turned assassin that’s trying to kill a supermodel while caring for the young daughter of a friend who died along with his wife in a car accident. It is every bit as dumb and crazy as that sounds.

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  20. humanoid woman

    This one from the KTMA days seems like a great film for a Rifftrax treatment. Cool looking retro-tech, goofy plot (??), etc.

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