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190 results found
Molly Grows Up
Molly Grows Up is a little gem from 1953 that taught girls how to start the process of becoming a woman. It also teaches them what they can or cannot do while on their monthly.
Under the guidance of a Ms Hathaway-esque woman, Molly learns that she can swim, dance, and have picnics while her Aunt Flo visits, but she is advised that she can only moderately do square dances and ride horseback.
It's a lovely little short that I suppose was advanced for its time, but comes across as overly hokey nowadays.
6 votes -
Warning from Space (1956)
Just reviewed by Dark Corners Reviews. Very low budget Japanese scifi with already existing English dub.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049900/reference/2 votesRiffed and Released - Available Now @ Rifftrax.com ·AdminErik Peterson (RiffTrax) (Senior Comedy Engineer, RiffTrax) responded
Riffed by Ian and Matthew: https://www.rifftrax.com/warning-from-space-matthew-j-elliott-and-ian-potter
Shake Hands with Danger
The original video is up to watch. Safety Video from 1980 with 1970 themes. One highlight is watching a man falls from a high height and dies... while a random guy starts singing and the camera films him. Riffers wanted.
3 votes -
Yes, Madam! (Police Assassins 2 in the UK)
A 1985 Hong Kong action film Starring Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock. This film is the first of the "In the Line of Duty" film series.
The film was titled Police Assassins 2 due to Royal Warriors, the second film in the series, being released in the UK before Yes, Madam!
2 votes -
Reign of Fire
Matthew McConaughey jumps off the roof of a building directly into a dragon's mouth.
6 votes -
LadyHawke 1985
LadyHawke made in 1984 released in 1985 seems like a movie to riff. It's got dumb action and funny lines and Matthew Broadrick in it. I mean come on.
61 votes -
Jon Voight, JLo, Ice Cube, Etic Stoltz, Owen Wilson, and more. It's a masterclass in subtle acting and nuance.
Not really. but there is a giant snake and some hilariously bad accents.
2 votes -
Martial Law
Chad McQueen and Cynthia Rothrock are Kung-Fu cops, working to take down criminal mastermind … *spins action name generator … Dalton Rhodes (David Carradine).
And I’ll never ask you for anything again in this lifetime or any other.
3 votes -
1 vote
Highlander (1992)
First Highlander was a Masterpiece . But even great movies need Riffs. This one has many scenes that are just asking for Riffs.
8 votes -
2 votes
It isn't even out yet, all I know is that I need you guys to spend the hours and take us to the uncanny, bizarre, and terrifying world of half CGI Taylor Swift Cat and her dancing cronies.
226 votes -
escape from the bronx
It’s the sequel a few or 10 years (depending on what version you watch) after 1990 the bronx warriors trash is back doing trash stuff and I’m pretty sure a lot of people died filming this
1 vote -
Money Plane
Adam Copeland aka "Edge" stars as a thief armed with 3 rules and bug eyes. His 3 rules... #1: Have a good crew... #2: Have a plan... #3: Always have a good plan B aka Thomas Jane. After a meeting with Kelsey Grammar, Edge is tasked with taking down an underground casino in the sky with his crew. Joey Lawrence hosts the underground casino with a deadly combo of butchered lines and fake eyebrows. The more and more Edge and his crew infiltrate the flight, the more and more Thomas Jane uncovers Kelsey Grammer is double-crossing Edge and company while…
8 votes -
The Devil's Hand
3 good reasons to Riff this really not good movie:
1. Hawkeye Pierce's Dad!
2. Commissioner Gordon!
And 3. Satanic Cult!
What's not to love?
Well, the actual movie, but that really doesn't matter.3 votes -
721 votes
Dirty Dancing
Maybe it's the fact that I was forced by my sister's obsession over this movie to watch it over and over again until I learned the script by heart, but I found it so cheesy that I'm burning for "revenge" to see it riffed.
9 votes -
It'd be hilarious to see this movie riffed and at least some of the riffed content reference how trains just appear out of nowhere for whatever reason and "Shoot everything in that direction."
6 votes -
The Island of Dr Moreau (1996)
Infamous production and terrible movie.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Cg-upCQD81 voteRiffed and Released - Available Now @ Rifftrax.com ·AdminErik Peterson (RiffTrax) (Senior Comedy Engineer, RiffTrax) responded
This is a very early riff for us, might be time for a revisit? https://www.rifftrax.com/the-island-of-dr-moreau
Truth or dare? A critical madness
This is a terrible 80's movie about a man who catches his wife having an affair with his best friend and goes on a killing spree. It features many great scenes that could be riffed including games of truth or dare that end in: faces being peeled off, grenades exploding in mouths, fingers being cut off.. complete with super cheesy special effects make-up. Pair that with "Birdemic" quality camera work and sound and you have one of the corniest 80's slashers around. Perfect for riffing!
Link to IMDb page:
https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0092118/Link to trailer:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4WZRcOcK3B88 votesRiffed and Released - Available Now @ Rifftrax.com ·AdminErik Peterson (RiffTrax) (Senior Comedy Engineer, RiffTrax) responded
Now available! https://www.rifftrax.com/truth-or-dare