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18 votes
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101 votes
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30 votes
-J- supported this idea ·
18 votes
-J- shared this idea ·
140 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -J- commented
Not riffable IMHO. Its a stupid movie that was intentionally made to be stupid. To be riffable it has to be a movie that takes itself seriously but the acting and production are so bad that it ain't.
105 votes
-J- supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -J- commented
This movie is a classic.One of my go-to favorites along with The Wild Wild World of Batwoman. I can watch it over and over and it never gets old. I don't think you could riff it though. Some movies consider themselves to be good but they are bad and easily riffable. This one is a parody of itself and never tries to be anything else. You can't mock something that mocks itself.
Jackson Griffith of News & Review wrote, "Either Rat Pfink a Boo Boo is a raving pile of crap, or it is some kind of genius filmmaking. That pretty much sums it up. Steckler is a genius.
"is this Cee Bee Beaumont?"
32 votes
-J- shared this idea ·
28 votes
-J- shared this idea ·
if you are ashamed if you lived through the 80s raise your hand. Even the villains were clean shaven and wore designer. It gets extra points for the yellow Trans Am.