The Wraith
A 1986 film starring Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen is killed and comes back as a ghost/alien thingy. And there are a lot of Mad Max wannabe villains. It's so bad - it's comedy gold.

Earl Grosser commented
I'm just watching it for the first time and I just passed the part where the guy on the crawler swims out of the garage. 😁
Charles White commented
Please riff this movie. It's nothing but car racing and ridiculously big explosions. with a little bit of young Charlie Sheen thrown in.
-J- commented
if you are ashamed if you lived through the 80s raise your hand. Even the villains were clean shaven and wore designer. It gets extra points for the yellow Trans Am.
Goze211 commented
Yes please riff this
Jasmine Sepko commented
I love this movie it is so amazingly cheesy even for the 80s!!!
tsarstepan commented
Yep. Let her rip. -
ToxicMonkeyY2K commented
I'm fourthing this. That means it should be done right.?
Jay Wilson commented
Charlie Sheen. Randy Quaid. Clint Howard.
That is all. -
Denny Gager commented
Please Riff this movie
Brian Farland commented
The movie that made me a charle sheen fan