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407 results found
You In Public Service
This is a whole series of educational films meant for people in public service jobs. The one I've linked to gives an overview of the whole series, but the only one I've actually seen all of is the grooming one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACQNZDR_qg0). Between the four hosts looking like a bad version of Sesame Street, the feeble attempts at comedy, the animated bit straight out of Schoolhouse Rock, and the musical numbers, the whole series could spawn some great riffing.
15 votes -
Jay Can Do It
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3JGYtJrydY - Honestly, I don't know exactly why this movie was made, which is why it'd be perfect riff material. A rather dumb looking kid has a bunch of experiences that don't seem to be connects, from baking cookies to meeting a policeman. The only explanation I have for it is that it's a time capsule for some alien race. Hilariously bad.
15 votes -
Magic Kingdom Club: Update '94
We somehow stumbled across these hidden gems on youtube- Magic Kingdom Club was kind of a discount card program for Walt Disney World before they had a vacation club. We looked through all of these, but this one is the most bizarre. Hosted by a VERY spray tanned Aladdin and Valley girl Jasmine, Im not even sure how this made its way to distribution. Might be hard to get the rights for it but we at least wanted to share. A must watch- truly 90's in all its cheesy splendor.
10 votes -
Write On! The TV Ontario TV Shorts
Coming from the bizarre realm of the 70s PBS/GRETA Dimension, I submit to RiffTrax: Write On! The TV Ontario Shorts.
Just as aci attempted to educate on reading with From Left to Right, Write On was basically a series of shorts which was supposed to educate on grammar and punctuation.
This shindig took place within a mythical newspaper building with a cranky editor, and two reporters. One of them known as Jack, was sort of a Walter Mitty type, since some of the shorts would take place in his wild imagination.
Basically it usually had the group in inexplicable situations…
10 votes -
"Match Your Mood"
This overly groovy ad for Westinghouse refrigerators is public domain and, well, laughably weird. After all, who doesn't want to apply burlap or brick-texture Contact paper to their fridge while dancing around it on New Year's Eve?
22 votes -
Greenwich Village
15 min short shown on TCM Sept 11 at 5:45am EDT. Early 70s in all its fashion glory, extolling the charms of quaint Greenwich Village, a suburban oasis in the big city (not the way I remember it in the 70s). It takes some doing but I THINK I finally identified it as promoting cotton as a fabric. I'm not making that up.
16 votes -
Game Warden
Game Warden (1955)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyJ0e9ihdn0Caught this earlier this morning on TMC after an old Helen of Troy movie.
"Of course, the warden's not just a glorified guide, either. He's still on the lookout for law violations, too. And Mr. Beaver here has pulled a dandy."
Mr. Beaver: the greatest criminal mastermind of the 20th century."Deer poachers. They shot at the farmer, too; a case of deadly assault. The bullet will be dug from the tree for ballistics study. The hide goes into cold storage as evidence."
Along with the farmer.19 votes -
Dick Tracy Serials
These serials start in 1937, starring our friend from Jungle Goddess, Ralph Byrd (Aka Bob Simpson, the racist murderer). Since you riffed Ancient Batman...it behooves you (whatever behooves means) to take on one of these 15 episode serials!12 votes -
Walt Disney The story of Menstruation
Walt Disney and the story of Menstruation. This is 70 years old now. Might be a good one to riff. Thanks
Found this a while ago. http://listverse.com/2014/05/18/10-bizarre-things-you-never-knew-about-disne/21 votes -
Too Tough to Care (1964)
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_Tough_to_Care
Too Tough to Care is an 18-minute educational film produced in 1964 to undermine teenage resistance to anti-smoking education.
Farley, an advertising copy writer for the fictional Finster Cigarette Company, is dismayed by the medical establishment's successful campaign to link smoking with lung cancer. It dawns on Farley that one effective way to counter this campaign would be to promote the concept of being "too tough to care" about the hazards of smoking. So he launches an advertising campaign, complete with a compelling jingle, showing men such as dynamite workers and gas workers lighting up Finster cigarettes in…
28 votes -
Makeup tutorial
A makeup tutorial from the 40s
16 votes -
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
Jonathan Frakes and bad acting! Enough said!
16 votes -
Transport for Tomorrow
A 30-minute short made in 1966 about the future of Bay Area Rapid Transit, including silly retro-future ideas and doughy guys talking about trains.
17 votes -
3 votes
Mr Rogers Neighborhood
Riff some of these episodes. That would be hilarious!
4 votes -
Wonky Whistle (Thomas and Friends episode)
This episode is hated by almost every fan of the franchise. This is because of its unrealism, annoying alliteration, redundant rhyming, and a little blue air headed idiot tank engine. Proof that Thomas is an idiot: Not realizing that his whistle was "wonky" and leaving the Steamworks with two workman on his tanks.
3 votes -
The Factory How A Product Is Made
So you want to know how Mattel makes Jack In The Boxes? Here you go,! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TgsEVNmEKU
8 votes -
4 votes
Pathé newsreels
There are literally decades of Pathé newsreels out there that are just itching for the Rifftrax treatment.
14 votes -
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
A very weird film from the Prelinger Archive. Think David and Hazel with barely any dialogue. Just watch it. You can find it on archive.org.
4 votes