Child Bride
The Ozarks is a place where a classroom song about arithmetic can unexpectedly turn into Jingle Bells, and adult men give dolls to little girls instead of engagement rings...Wait...WHAT?!?!

Horrorist commented
How in God's name can this possibly NOT already be a Riff???
Magic Things commented
I'm old enough to remember a time when Mike, Bill and Kevin actually took a wholly justifiable *pride* in slam-banging deserving targets such as this one... rather than an endless series of soft, dull 1980s action flicks, which evidently is all they care about doing any more. Sad.
Der_Wannabe_Kranken commented
Jim is right. Hell, the Cinema Snob tried it, and HE barely recovered.
Jim Barg commented
Skeptical. Kevin's talked about how they turned it down for MST3k, so… here's some votes anyway.
Break Da Cube commented
Enough with the '70s era cheese for a while, fellahs. Let's have another one of those gloriously awful black-and-white monstrosities, like in the good ol' days!
WhoRU commented
The sort of movie that inevitably finds itself court ordered to stay at least five hundred yards away from grade school grounds at all times.
JDR commented
Can an entire flick qualify as one giant, extended "bad touch"?
B.C. commented
Not a real Polanski film; just an incredible simulation.
Anonymous commented
This absolutely *must* be in the public domain! (No one in their right mind would ever possibly claim the rights to it!) ;)
Uncle Fester commented
Sponsored by ToysRUs, Nickelodeon and Gymboree.
Vince commented
Nice of Woody to finally star Soon-Yi in one of his increasingly inaccessible movies.
WHLawn commented
So jaw-droppingly exploitative and tasteless, it simply *must* be done!
Jer commented
A Jerry Lee Lewis film score would be the inbred icing on this kinky kake.
LaFevre commented
This is what's playing on the widescreen in Woody Allen's minds eye, 24/7.
Kristy commented
Lol- sorry I just commented on the wrong "Child Bride" movie - my comment was on "Child Bride of Short Creek" a 1981 film that is probably just as creepy!
Kristy commented
This movie scared me when I was little- its got real people in it! Mr. Drummond (Conrad Bain)
Helen Hunt and Diane Lane- Little House on dope - if memory serves there's also a MURDER!!!! -
Art commented
Sometimes referred to by its alternate title, "Is WalMart Burning?"
Jaime H. commented
If Junior Samples worked for Merchant-Ivory...
Blind Al commented
When white trash goes on corporate retreat!
Kyle's Mom commented
When white trash goes on a company retreat.