Star Slammer (1986)
Two women who have been unjustly confined to a prison planet plot their escape, all the while having to put up with lesbian guards, crazed wardens and mutant rodents.
This movie just sounds so bad in oh so many ways, that I am submitting it to the undercover riffing agents for further interrogation.

Anonymous commented
This, despite being from the "women in prison" genre, features plenty of heavage of cleavage, but a low actual nipple count, so it won't distress the riffers' delicate sensibilities (or require extensive black box work).
Nutso, scenery-chewing Warden Muffin is played by Dawn Wildsmith, who has a cinematic rap sheet including The Tomb, Cyclone, Polly Perverse strikes again, Future Force... okay, every movie on IMDB with her name attached sounds like a potential RiffTrax subject.
Is Star Slammer dumb, incompetent and predictable? Yes. Is it fun? Also yes.
And if you've ever wanted to see Ross Hagen (Sidehackers) get spanked by a druid, look no further.
Aldo Ray, who has acted with the likes of Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, Rita Hayworth and Robert Z'Dar, even has a part, as does John Carradine. Of course John's in it. Whether he knew he was in it... well that's a whole 'nother question.
Mandrake commented
This should be higher. We have David Carradine (Future Force), Vivian Schilling (Soultaker) and Ross Hagen (Sidehackers).