Not of this Earth (1957)
An alien agent from the distant planet Davana is sent to Earth via a high-tech matter transporter. There, he terrorizes Southern California in an attempt to acquire blood for his dying race, the result of a devastating nuclear war. This Roger Corman film would make a great riffipoluza.

tsarstepan commented
This or the 1988 remake. Whichever is easier to get the rights for.
Saw the review for both films in the Dark Corners Reviews YouTube channel. -
Toyland Chairman commented
Right from the beginning this movie is perfect fodder. The '50s slang dialogue is laughable.
It also features Corman regulars Beverly Garland and Dick Miller.
The film was remade twice, despite apparently being one of Corman's personal favorites. In 1988 with Traci Lords, and again in 1995 with Michael York.
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Movie Trailer: