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  1. Mothra's voice for Rifftrax should be female

    The trailer for the upcoming Rifftrax of Mothra has them doing a deep comic male voice for Mothra in the movie. Mothra is female and is mentioned as a female in almost all the Godzilla movies. It is what makes this monster unique compared to other monsters. It would have been nice for those at Rifftrax to at least try and bring a feminine quality to a voice over. Portraying Mothra with an angry man voice simply does not make since to fans of Kaiju.

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  2. No autoplay

    RiffTrax is great, but autoplaying videos on a website are pretty much the devil. Especially at the very front page of the site. I know whenever I want to browse the site I end up going to some other page first to avoid it.

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  3. Whiny collector #3991: But my DVDs....

    Guys/Gals: I recognize that this is not an "issue" on any planet but Fussypants 5, but: I'm so enamored of your new My Library (with the sorting and the searching and the whatnot) that it PAINS me, PAINS me to not be able to integrate my purchased Shorts collection DVDs with the Library. Now I'm NOT asking to be allowed to stream or otherwise view the items that I have on DVD -- uh, especially given that I bought sommmmmost of them from An-unaMAble-oZer-vendOr-you-get-the-picture -- but what my whiny collector genes really want is a way to mark catalog items…

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  4. Auto Play

    Have the option of setting my library up as autoplay. You could maybe have a playlist option that would allow me to set up videos with a theme or of a certain type. I have a very large playlist of over 300 rifftrax and would like o have them play in succession.

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  5. DVD Releases

    Will you be releasing the Shorts on a DVD collection like you have in the past? Will Sharknado and other recently riffed movies be released on DVD too?
    THANKS! Love you guys!

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  6. Contrasting volumes

    Hey guys, big fan.

    This might be a bit of a minor thing, but a lot of your guy's trax have the riff volume WAY over the volume of the actual movie, especially if there's whispering, so it's hard to get the context of the actual joke. Maybe if it was more equalized? I dunno, just a thought. Keep up the good work!

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  7. Suggestion for you :)

    Please have somebody YouTube the trailer for the 1991 movie "Highway to Hell". It is literally the PERFECT 90's movie for the guys to riff. It's so bad, it's good. Kristy Swanson, Chad Lowe. A cop from hell with handcuffs that are actual hands! Sorry for posting here but I didn't know how else to suggest a move to the Riffrax geniuses. Thanks for what you do. :)

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  8. The Room

    Are you ever going to put the live show of The Room up for download?

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  9. RiffTrax Live!: Gigli (2003)

    I'll give you six good reasons:

    *This stars Ben Affleck (who you guys hate already as is) in his worst acting hour to date
    * This stars J. Lo (Anaconda) in another equally sexy yet flat out atrocious role that no one could be proud of
    * It's owned by Sony
    * It's made as many bad movie lists as The Room, Birdemic and Crossroads combined
    * It has hysterical cameos by A-listers such as Christopher Walken and Al Pacino
    * The language is no worse than anything in The Room and there is no graphic sex and violence is…

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  10. A monthly subscription streaming app for Xbox One would be great. So great. And Funny.

    To get access to your awesome catalog and take my money every month! I just would use it on Xbox One the most.

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  11. A Xbox live app that had a monthly streaming subscription would be amazing!!!!!

    A Xbox live app that had a monthly streaming subscription would be amazing!!!!!

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  12. Give Rifftrax electronically to a friend option!

    I'm pretty sure this isn't already a thing, but please let me know if I'm wrong.

    You know how you can buy a kindle book for a friend and then send it to them to download onto their kindle? I would love to have the same type of option for Rifftrax downloads as well!

    Why this would be cool: I have a friend who REALLY wanted to go to Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny Live but was way too sick. Once it is available to buy, it would be awesome to be able to buy this for her…

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  13. Include digital copy with purchase of physical media

    I am old-school in the sense that I am a fan of collecting physical media such as DVDs. On the other hand I like knowing that if I purchase a Rifftrax in the form of a computer file that I can re-download the file at any time if my hard drive gets fried or if I lose it. How about if you purchase a DVD you also get the same backup guarantee in the form of a digital file included with the purchase? That way if I lose the DVD I still can have access to a HD file of…

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  14. All Rifftrax Live events on Blu-ray/DVD?

    I would like to see all Rifftrax Live events available on Blu-ray and DVD for those of us that are uncomfortable with download only content. Thanks for your consideration.

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  15. Where to submit an iRiff?

    I've been looking for the iRiff thing for an hour now and I can't find it for the life of me, please help

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  16. RiffTraxx App

    If there was a Playstation, iOS and/or Android App, I would use it! An app to stream Rifftraxx movies, and buy MP3s for future use.

    It might even open up a free Rifftraxx model. Where you have commercials every 30 minutes or so.

    I would even pay a membership fee for the convenience for this...

    Specifically Playstation. Crunchyroll's sales skyrocketed after their Playstation App became available.

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  17. "Balloon Land" Cartoon- Freaky Childhood Nightmare Fuel

    Please oh PLEASE release commentary on the short "Balloon Land" (1935) a 7-minute "children's" cartoon that is supposedly about balloons being killed by a serial killer pincushion but, as you will see, is mostly about pervy cartoonists seeing how many hundreds of penises they can fit into a cartoon. I dare you to watch it and not see what I mean.
    Also, this creepy little cartoon was briefly featured in "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders" so you know that'll be a hit. It is so damn old that it must be public domain by now.
    And, of course, penis balloons.…

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  18. 6 votes

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  19. Some kind of warning.

    so some friends and I, went to see Rifftrax Live: The Room.

    unfortunately there was no warning that there was onscreen nudity. now without warning, it was not something i expected my effeminate female friend to see, now of course it was just a butt, and some breasts.

    but here is the idea: perhaps some kind of warning or knowledge ahead of time that the movie contains that kind of material, before we wander into a theater expecting a funny movie, (the movie was hilarious) but not expecting softcore porn.

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  20. Preview videos don't play on Firefox

    I love Rifftrax (it's almost irrational and a little creepy just how much I love you guys!)

    Your videos are trying to load mp4 videos which has very spotty support - no Opera, Firefox, and Safari doesn't support mp3-encoded audio in an mp4 container.

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    Check us out! ..or at the very least take…

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