Gamera vs. Monster X (1970) (aka GAMERA VS. JIGER)
Another classic GAMERA film which was not featured on MST3K.
Japan prepares for the 1970 World's Fair, however scientists remove a mysterious statue from Wester Island which catches the destructive attention of the reptile Jiger, and only Gamera can set things right.
This original English version may be public domain.
Also known as "Gamera vs. Jiger".

Troy commented
This was the 6th of the original Daiei! Gamera flicks, and just as goofy as its predecessors. This one really plays up the “Gamera is the friend of all children” angle, and features the obligatory Kenny and Helen substitutes joined by a pair of annoying caucasian kids, just in case that helped improve the picture’s marketability to Americans. It also features the return of fan favorite "Corn Job" from Gamera vs. Guiron, though as far as I can tell he’s playing a different character this time, but still an idiot.
It's my understanding that the direct-to-television American dubbed version titled "Gamera vs. Monster X" lapsed into the public domain and is still free. I don't know what the status is of the nicer cleaned up print of "Gamera vs. Jiger" that Shout Factory rereleased as part of their Gamera set in 2010.
Stu Slaymaker commented
And Ken "Kornjob" Omura is in it!