Monster Dog (1984)
Alice Cooper plays a pop star who takes his band to his hometown, in order to shoot his latest music video. They are greeted by the town's sheriff, who's known Alice since the latter was just a wee little glitter rocker, who warns them that there have been several grisly murders in the area, where the bodies were found ripped to shreds. The police think it's a pack of wild dogs... but Alice, ah, Our Alice thinks not! He and his incompetent band of metalhead Scoobies promptly set out to track down and capture what he thinks is the real murderer -- a WEREWOLF!
(Alice's performance in this cinematic dog dropping was judged to be so gawdawful, incidentally, that all his non-singing lines are dubbed by another actor entirely...!)

Josh commented
Riff this thing!!
Emilio Linder is in this... he was also in Pod People! In fact, one of Cooper's lines is, "It Stinks!"
no_anions commented
Just the preview was terrible. Riff it. Please make the 80's feel very ashamed of itself for this.
Anonymous commented
Oh, sweet merciful God... this actually looks like something Pearl, Brain Guy and Bobo might have cobbled up one rainy afternoon, in their spare time:
Vince commented
Director "Clyde Anderson" is actually notorious TROLL 2 schlockmeister Claudio Fragasso.
K-9 Bugle commented
By this point in Alice's career, it was either this or else two shows daily at Six Flags.
Jer commented
The undisputed nadir of a long and otherwise honorable career. (Yes, even worse than his cameo in "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.")
Bernie commented
Explain again the part where you AREN'T riffing this one already?
Goitrude commented
This is what a BENJI remake would end up looking like, if Michael Bay were in charge.
PSnout commented
Despite the misleading title, NOT the long-awaited Rosie O'Donnell biopic.
HE commented
An all-but-forgotten gemstone of awfulness. Yes, please!
alsquared commented
I would support a Kickstart for this riff, if necessary.
OSmith commented
Even Vince Neil knew better than to swipe THIS move from Alice's playbook.
KoKo commented
Snowe commented
Cooper + cheesy horror + Mike, Kevin & Bill = the *perfect* Halloween riff!
Anonymous commented
I wanna see the boys doing this one live. In full Cooper-esque makeup.
Casey commented
I would give you my car for a riff of this.
Ellie commented
Unleash the dogs of Riff!
Haven M. commented
Disembaudio dueting with The Coop, over the closing credits... Yes. YesyesyesyesYES.
Brit217 commented
Welcome to EVERYbody's Nightmare!