They Live
John Carpenter's 1988 cult classic isn't a bad movie, but it could be very funny if parodied. There's a seriousness in the film that's matched with a very odd conceit -- that the world is being invaded by spacemen who are vulnerable only to Roddy Piper in sunglasses. It has the longest fist fight in world history, a highly 1980s style, and its a good bet that the movie is popular enough to be in lots of DVD collections already.

Erik Swagerty commented
Please, Please, Please!!!!! Do this movie.
Erik Swagerty commented
**** yeah
forestine commented
That really long pointless fight in the middle would be so great riffed.
chuck routhier commented
You guys could kill this movie.
t.giobbi commented
Oh my god. This was something pretty unique for its day. Not the premise of the world being run by mindless soulless automatons, but that it starred Rowdy Roddy Piper of WWF fame. Needless to say there are perfectly random fight scenes amidst the superb extreme conspiracy theory and acting.
Anonymous commented
They Live is John carpenter having a very bad day. Rowdy Roddy Piper spends much time trying to get people to wear his sunglasses when he isn't walking around and looking at stuff
Andy Anderson commented
What a great movie for 3 great his to riff! Please do it live from Nashville!
t.giobbi commented
this is a classic, so imagine my surprise that it wasn't already receiving votes right now. They Live fulfills a favorite niche of mine – riffing on 80's WWF superstars, as though their careers didn't do that enough.
djrcourt101 commented
This should be done anyway, but now in honor of Roddy Piper due to his passing today.
Anonymous commented
The classic 1980's Sci-Fi movie, 'They Live!' needs to be Rifftraxed