The Devil's Rain
The Devil's Rain has it all. Shatner. Borgnine. A teeny tiny bit of Travolta. Consulting from the Church of Satan's own Anton LaVey. And hilarity. So much hilarity. Borgnine in full Devil makeup attached for your amusement and edification.

David Fischler commented
I just saw this on Shout Factory TV, and it immediately struck me as irresistible Rifftrax material. As rachelpea said, how can you resist a movie that's got Shatner, Travolta, a cardboard Tom Skerritt, Maj. Bat Guano, Ida Lupino slumming, the founder of the Church of Satan in a cameo, and the ludicrous Ernest Borgnine in a goat's head mask ("Waiter, I've got Borgnine in my goat's head soup!") Do it, guys!
Wise Twin Sailor commented
The whole movie is up on YouTube for free. Is it in the public domain? I would love this as a RiffTrax Live! But would be happy as a VOD. Shatner is wearing the same costume from Kingdom of the Spiders.
jasonrm72 commented
I'm watching it now. It's amazing. And that star-studded cast!
Timothy Maher commented
Make it happen with Mike, Bill and Kevin!
Lorch commented
Still holding out hope for this one!!! I'll bet Shatner is being a **** about them getting permission...
Bryan W. Frazier . commented
Put me down for this as well !!
JvB commented
Trailer: Facts:
Ernest Borgnine was offered a special high priest role in the Church of Satan because of this film and graciously accepted.
The Italian poster is 75% a nude woman who appears in just about 2 full seconds of footage... -
Chris commented
Just watched this on YouTube last night and I can truly say this one is a must! A new level of bad and with some great actors doing a terrible job with an even worse story! Do this one please.
tsarstepan commented