Anonymous commented
Please riff the Les Miserables musical movie. It reeks to highway to ****. 😁
Anonymous commented
Please do the Les Miz musical! It's terrible!
Christie commented
I’d rather hear you guys sing your way through this than Russell Crowe
Jennifer commented
Oh, I dunno. I grew to like Crowe more and more on subsequent hearings. It was Jackman that actually disappointed me--which surprised me, since he was the one with the musical theater credentials. It wasn't that Jackman's voice was BAD, it just didn't seem like quite the right fit for Valjean.
I liked this movie (and would like it even more if they released an extended edition with some of the cut material restored), but I can see where riffers would get a lot of mileage out of it--especially with Wolverine references to be made.
Anonymous commented
Listen to Russell Crowe try to out-sing Hugh Jackman... or sing at all, for that matter.