The Dark Knight Rises
Figured this movie was ripe for a riff. The absurdity of the finale,Tom Hardy's choice of making Bane's voice as Sean Connery doing an impression of Winnie the Pooh and how it's impossible to understand him most of the time, and Marion Cortilard's acting when Talia died.
Also, the ridiculousness of the timeline. Oh the bomb will go off in three months. Now two weeks! Now eight hours! Now 45 minutes!

Sam commented
I know you guys have lives and all but I'm going to need you to just go ahead and riff this movie. Thanks
Anonymous commented
I can just hear mike doing Bane voice now
Jeff Mackey commented
Mike Nelson himself said he's take on this film a few years back while promoting new Sony RiffTraxs. Stay true to your end of the deal, Mike.
Mackenzie Lambert commented
The riff we deserve and the one we need right now!
Bailey Becker commented
Some more jokes I could see Mike, Kevin, and Bill making:
(When Batman ambushes a guard in Bane's underground lair)
Mike (as Tommy Wiseau): Oh hai, Batman!
(When Batman starts punching Bane ineffectually during their first fight)
Bill (as Batman): I don't think I'm ready for this yet. Could I maybe warm up with the Penguin first?
(Bane punches Batman)
Bill (as Batman, in pain): I'll take that as a no . . .
(When Bane breaks Batman's back)
Kevin: Oh, good for you, you broke my back - and how was it?
(When Catwoman betrays Batman and locks him in with Bane)
Batman: You've made a serious mistake.
Bane: Not as serious as yours, I fear.
Mike: Starring in "Reign of Fire."
(When we see Bane shirtless in his hideout)
Mike: Oh no, Bane is really Matthew McConaughey!
(When Bruce wakes up in The Pit)
Mike: Waking up in a hole in the ground, pained all over, unable to move, a stranger standing over you . . . typical Nick Nolte Tuesday morning.
Bailey Becker commented
Here are some jokes I could imagine them making:
(In the prologue, when the CIA agent is interrogating Banes men aboard the plane)
Kevin: He's still nicer than the flight attendants aboard Delta.
(Later in the scene, when Bane detaches the CIA plane from his plane)
Mike: Get your plane off me!
(While John Daggett is yelling at Bane)
Mike or Kevin: As a general rule, I don't yell at a anyone whom I have to crane my neck to look at.
(While Bane beats up Batman during their first fight)
Bill: Batman is getting the guano beaten out of him!
Jarod Heath commented
Please give me this I beg of you!
Frederick commented
Christopher Nolan talks about the "realism" of his Batman movies, and they end the trilogy with this piece of preposterous nonsense? As Gob might say, "Come on!"
fyi, Randy's Bane from South Park was scarier.