The Shining

SumBytch commented
MSTllllllady commented
YAS! I also love Kell's idea about getting Stephen King in on it since he absolutely HATED Kubrick's version. Maybe kick in Maximum Overdrive too. I think King directed that doozy himself.
Anonymous commented
Regular buyer here.... Pls do the shining. (Shhh. Don't want to get sued).
I have friends coming over to watch Kubrick's version. Gather the troupes and do it now. "Dance monkey, dance".Lol
Kell commented
The Room 237 allusions alone would be worth showing up for. Yeah. Want this.
("Imitation," dang it. My proofreader was off that day.)
Anonymous commented
Mike, Kevin, Bill, you three referenced this movie quite often first on MST3K and then later Rifftrax. I say it's high-time that you three riff this horror classic.
Kell commented
Guys. Seriously. PLEAAAASE. I'll send you homemade French bread if you do. Yummm... Fresh carbohydrates...
Dyuknow what would be especially cool?! If you could get Stephen King to be a guest riffer (For realz? An immitation?) You know how he feels about the movie...
French bread, guys. Seriously. We have same day delivery now. You could have it in time for dinner. Just saying.
Mary Follmer commented
YES!! a thousand times yes!! This barely resembles the book. What's-her-name spends the entire movie acting like she's in a movie made by people who speak a language she doesn't understand. This movie reeks. Cheese! ( cheese!)
Kristy commented
Well yeah, we gotta get this done- Guys PLEEZE!- for Teresa D. Lee - hopefully she's watched it again by now!!! I'm actually sad for people who don't know this movie or book- but it'll be ok ;) Most of us know that if you're a good American you've got a copy of this near you at all times- or in your que or downloaded on all your devices-If you're an Amish, a young child (under 5) or were raised in a fall out shelter (like in Blast From the Past) then here are some links -
Kristy commented
Check the submissions when you put an idea in- This has almost 2,400 votes total!
G Pope commented
"All Wings Hauser and no SHINING makes RiffTrax suck rocks."
Teresa D. Lee commented
Oh wait, that was The Sixth Sense. But my comment goes double for The Shining.
Teresa D. Lee commented
Agreed. Personal loathing of Bruce Willis, predictable ending, and the emergence of a beloved child star who is sacred but please do it anyway and just be nice to him and his childhood of hearing about the dead people.
scottburke commented
Not much of a challenge really. That movie was mediocre at best.
CHF01 commented
I can sum up in two words why this film should be riffed: Olive Oil