Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Because Tina Turner... with metal shoulder pads. Need I say more?
CornBREDx commented
The only really bad Mad Max film. It's a shame ya'll won't riff movies unless they're big movies that everybody seems to have (unless you can get streaming rights to it which with this one you probably can't) but this movie would be great for a riff. It has like... 3 concurrent plots and they are all nonsense. Not to mention the awesome costume designs, and a little person riding a big guy with special needs (the political correct way to say all those things sounds significantly worse- is it really just me?). This movie is riff gold.
Jenni commented
Any film that includes fight choreography involving giant Johnny Jump-Ups is BEGGING for a riffing. I LOVE Mad Max and I can't believe this doesn't exist yet. Please please please???
- commented
I'd like to see the whole trilogy done!
Anonymous commented
Can't we just get beyond thunderdome? Sorry, had to do it!