Citizen Kane
Consider this a dare, fellas

Nightspawn Son-of-luna commented
I think it's finally time someone dares to speak out against it, (even if it's purely in good fun)
jamesdc commented
Citizen Kane. It's beyond me that you have not had the testicular fortitude to finally tackle this classic. It's time has come.And when you finally do, let me know where I can submit my resume :)
Jennifer commented
Well, yeah--I mean, hasn't the Casablanca riff proved you can even riff GOOD movies?
Frederick commented
I was going to post this too! Like Casablanca, I'll wait for the Rifftrax version to see it. (I don't see what's so great about Casablanca, btw, not bad, just don't get it. I've never been able to sit through the Godfather movies either. "They insist upon themselves." I'd rather watch the are-they-going-to-rape-him-oh-my-god-they're-raping-him scene from Warriors of the Wasteland.