Overlords of the U.F.O.
Overlords of the U.F.O. is one of those films that defies description. It's the feature-length spiritual cousin to Flying Saucer Mystery, and it takes itself equally seriously.
Here's some sample dialog:
"Who are the alien intelligences behind this type of space travel device? Are the UFOs friend or foe?"
"In 1973, another significant UFO picture shows not only the anti-gravity device operational, but, also, with it is a smaller a degravitated sphere under the control of the the alien intelligences of the UFO. Who are the overlords of the UFO?"
Oh, and in the grand tradition of Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny or Fun in Balloon Land, it has a tangentially-related-at-best movie dropped into the middle of it, wherein we see Uri Geller demonstrate the mind's ability to bend keys.
Finding the rights could be a challenge (although it has been uploaded to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_FVTeat4Uo ). IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0273934/
If you can find a way... it'd be epic.

Dave Patterson commented
Yes!!!! "Invisible flying critters....there can be no other explanation..."