The Last Dinosaur
Richard "Have Gun Will Travel" Boone hops into his drill car, drills under the Arctic, finds a lost valley of dinosaurs, and commences to shootin' because he's a MAN and MEN have to HUNT. A 1977 co-production by the people who brought us "Ultraman" and also the people who brought us "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town", this wild TV movie is jam packed with rubber suit monsters and sweaty sexism (Richard Boone's character is named "Maston Thrust") as everybody involved looks off-camera for that bottle of whiskey they stashed under a fake boulder, or a phone so they can call their agent and get themselves out of this mess.

John Bladel commented
Richard Boone ("Have Gun Will Travel" + "The Big Sleep")
Joan Van Ark ("Dallas" + "Knots Landing")
Stephen Keats ("Death Wish" + "Silent Rage") -
PumamanRedux commented
I hope one day either MST3K or Rifftrax will be able to wrest this title from Warner Bros.' clutches.
sexybaltan commented
The Trex in this movie is just an evil *******. This is a must riff.
JJ commented
Yes! I saw this on Brandon Tennold! Do this movie (as the Rich Oil Man in the film would say) "You ding dongs!"
PS: I kid/referring to a line in the movie. Don't get mad plz.
Anonymous commented
A great suggestion! Boone's craggy face and booming voice as he constantly hollers at everyone is great stuff. Some okay suitmation bits and a fun bunch of subhumans to annoy our heroes adds to the fun. This would be a good choice.
Jennifer commented
Anything that has the macho hero yelling "YOU DING-D0NG!" in a towering rage is perfect Rifftrax fodder.
ETA: I didn't know "d-o-n-g" was on the list of Rifftrax's censored words.
Evan Pinsonnault commented
I actually created an account to suggest this film, I hope they didn't pass this one over. One of my childhood favorites and it's simply *begging* for the Rifftrax treatment. When I discovered MST3K 7 years ago I'm pretty sure that this was one of the first films I searched for to see if they had done it
cryptkeeper commented
Great choice!
Anonymous commented
A must for rifftrax, please make one for this movie
Jason Clarke commented
A B-movie classic about an incredibly sexist big game hunter named Masten Thrust (I kid you not), played by the apparently bored Richard Boone, who heads to a Lost World to hunt a laughably terrible-looking Tyrannosaurus rex. One of my all-time favorite movies as a kid, but still VERY ripe for riffing.