Rifftrax Live: - Turkey Day Ramalamadingdong Thanksgiving Celebration
It would be a fun idea to put together a "Rifftrax Live: - Turkey Day Ramalamadingdong Thanksgiving Celebration." This would be a Thanksgiving related series of video shorts and comedy skits, all relating to the theme of Thanksgiving. Bring back all of the old and new MST3K members for a real celebration of fun and laughter, and do it like a typical dysfunctional family who is forced into an annual family gathering, with people that have nothing-in-common with each other except the enjoyment of food and small talk that nobody listens to or cares about. Previous turkey day shows included wild diverse characters that were from previous MST3K parodies of movies. (Mr. B Natural, Pitch, etc.) That might be a good place to start, or build upon this suggestion for something completely different, and start a brand new Turkey Day tradition.
What do you think Sirs?
-SOL Crew
Frank, if that's you making these stupid suggestions,
I order you to stop this nonsense at once!
-Dr. Forrester
You're not the boss of me!
-TV's Frank
Well, as a matter-of-fact Frank, yes I am the boss of you.
You are so lucky that I don't pay you any money Frank, because if I did, I would dock you one day's pay for insubordination.
-Dr. Forrester
Ah c'mon guys, Turkey Day is just once a year.
Can't we all just get along?
-SOL Crew
I will not tolerate any unsolicited opinions, unless they're my own.
Especially from non-essential dum dums currently being used in an important scientific brain-washing experiment.
-Dr. Forrester
Shall I send them a Rifftrax Live - Turkey Day Ramalamadingdong ThanksGiving Day Celebration Movie Dr. Forrester?
-TV's Frank
No Frank, first this idea has to be voted on by the Rifftrax fans and then it has to be written and filmed by Rifftrax, then Rifftrax has to market it for big money, then we secretly purchase the show at the 99 Cent Only Store when it goes on sale, and then we finally can send these mindless minions-in-space this horrible experimental Turkey Day Ramalamadingdong transmission from our secret headquarters.
Frank, this could finally be the movie that fully brainwashes' them and gives me complete and full control over their minds, however small and inadequate they may be.
-Dr. Forrester
tsarstepan commented
Not this year ... but maybe next year.
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
The only turkey around here is this Rifftrax suggestion, and there is nothing humorous about making fun of turkeys. Not now, not never. Respect for turkeys and all their yummy fixins is what should be promoted here, not guffaws, smirks, and crude jokes. How would you like it if we turkeys all got together and made fun of Rifftrax? HUH? Yeah we thought as much! The idea doesn't seem so funny anymore does it? DOES IT? Forget this stupid suggestion, and please, please, please, next Thanksgiving, just eat a salad OK?
Instead of having Turkey for dinner, invite a turkey over to have dinner with you. PEACE.United Turkeys For A Great Vegan America (R)