Lake Flacid (1987)
A bunch of **** raising red neck bikers looking for a remote place to party, find a camping place near a lake that is not shown on any maps.
The bikers swim, bathe and drink the lake's refreshing cool water. Later, to the bikers dismay, they find out that the lake has a high concentration of saltpeter in it, and the bikers are all rendered impotent. (I said impotent, not important!) To make matters worse, the bikers discover that a group of badass ***** amazon nudist women have set up camp just on the other side of the lake and the two things that that will turn them into blood thirsty maniac killers are: Low limits on charge cards, and any man who is unable to satisfy their lustful ****** demands. (Whoops!)

Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Hey idiot, if your phony movie posting was supposed to be a not-at-all funny riff on bikers not being able to perform sexually for amazon women campers who become enraged and kill them all in unspeakable ways, that's the exact same formula that I am working on in my current screenplay in development and you have stolen it.
If you don't remove this illegal posting "RIGHT AWAY" I'll have my high-powered lawyers sue you for everything you've got. And then we'll sue you for everything that you haven't got.
This is your only warning!BTW: Flaccid is spelled with two C's ya big dummy!
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Movie Trailer: