I'm an American/Dutch dual citizen, living in Holland for ten years and the US west coast for fifty years before that.
My Dutch husband called one of our kitties "Catweazle" this evening, and I asked him what on earth he was talking about. It turns out that "Catweazle" was a British-made children's show from the early '70s that he watched on TV as a small child.
I watched Season 1, Episode 1 of "Catweazle" (oh, I never get tired of typing that name!) on YouTube, and it was fifteen minutes of riff-worthy delight.
I had never heard of this show before tonight! Now I'm wondering why American children didn't get to watch this gem... Maybe the TV heads thought it was too "complicated" for us kids in the States.
If you can secure the rights, "Catweazle" would make a choice short to riff on.
Check it out... You won't regret it!
Paul1982 commented
The show is about an English wizard who transports himself to the future to save himself from French knights.
I'm already in love with this and the wizard isn't even in the future yet. It's charmingly weird.