The Snow Creature (1954)
American botanical expedition in the Himalayas stumbles across a Yeti den, capture one and transport it back to Los Angeles, where it escapes while customs officials are debating whether it is animal or human.
To quote Indiana Jones: Yetis, I hate Yetis!

Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Yakamonovic the Yeti made a lot of money selling snow-cones to Eskimos.
Q) How was this possible?
A) Yakamonovic was a telemarketer.
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
The Yeti family were all having dinner, when Mama Yeti placed a couple of snow-cones on her child's plate.
Q) What did Mama Yeti say to her child?
A) "Eat your vegetables before they get warm and melt!"
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Yanov the Yeti saw an old lady about to cross a very busy street, he ran over to her, so that he could help her cross safely.
Old Lady: "Oh my goodness, young man, thank-you so much for helping me cross that terrible busy street."
Yanov: "Snow problem!"
Old Lady: "Oh yes, there is just one other thing young man."
Yanov: "Yes Ma'am?"
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Yvette the twenty-something female Yeti was going to sign-up on a very popular singles dating site.
Q) What did Yvette discover about the dating site that made her abruptly decide not to sign-up?
A) The dating site didn't have a category for 'Snowmen.'
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Q) What was the nickname given to the Yeti who worked out in the gym every day?
A) 'The Abdominal Snowman.'
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
-The BIG Book of Yeti Jokes-
Q) Why did the Yeti cross the road?
A) So he could hitchhike back to the Himalayas.
Q) Why did the girl Yeti break off her relationship with her boyfriend?
A) He told her that she was abominable.
Q) What do you get when you cross a Yeti with a gorilla?
A) Something very large, very hairy, and very smelly, that only eats frozen bananas.
Q) Why was the Yeti kid in kindergarten, sent to the principals office?
A) He called someone a 'SMALLFOOT.'
Q) How did the scientist come to the startling conclusion, that all Yetis' have evolved upside down?
A) Because all Yetis' noses run, and their feet smell.
Q) What is the difference between Yetis and honest politicians?
A) Yetis actually exist.
Yanov the Yeti, was the biggest Star Trek fan in the world. He watched Star Trek re-runs all day, every day in his Yeti cave. He spent all of his money on Star Trek memorabilia. Many times he didn't have any money leftover to buy food, or pay for rent. He attended Star Trek conventions all over the world. One day he had the opportunity to meet his forever idol William Shatner and get his autograph. Yanov waited over two hours in line for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Finally, Yanov approached his idol, with pen and paper in hand.
Q) What did William Shatner say to Yanov when they met?
A) "Get a haircut ya hippie!"
Q) What did Adam Sandler say to the Yeti when he met him at a Hollywood party?
A) "Gee, I really wish that I was well-known like you...can I have your autograph?"
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
As of today 7-5-17 the mayor has declared Los Angeles a "Yeti-free zone." Outraged Yetis declared that they will fight this all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.
The Yeti population problem in Los Angeles has risen to such huge numbers, that it has become even greater then the homeless problem.
The Mayor of L.A. has set up emergency funding to be funneled into Yeti sex-education, Yeti birth-control, and the controversial Yeti-dumping in Canada.