Daughter of Dr. Jekyll (1957)
A young woman discovers she is the daughter of the infamous Dr. Jekyll, and begins to believe that she may also have a split personality, one of whom is a ruthless killer.
John Agar and Gloria Talbott help raise this movie to a mediocre level, that is the gold standard for Rifftrax.

Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
John Agar's Journal
First they stick me in "The Brain From Planet Arous" working with a no-talent loser giant floating brain who got paid more than I did.
Then I get stuck in "The Daughter of Dr. Jekyll" about a woman who is sweet and loving and then wants to murder you the next minute.
Which comes waaay too close to reflecting my personal home life.
Suddenly, I find myself feeling nostalgic about the times that I was making films with Larry "There's no time for that, we'll fix it in editing." Buchanan.
If my agent is reading this: YOU'RE FIRED! -
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Overheard: Two U.S. senators talking during their lunch break.
Senator Jethro Bodine: Hey, I heared that yer datin that there beutiful Doctor Jekyll's daughter?
Senator Earnest T Bass: Heeyuk, you heared right. I guess dat good news travels fast in these parts.
Senator Jethro Bodine: So well uh what's she like?
Senator Earnest T Bass: Oh she great. One minute she so nice ta me, fixin me dinner, kissin on me, tellin me she want to marry me, and the nest minute she jumpin on me, threatin ta cut me inta little bitty pieces and then grind muh little bitty pieces into hamburger meat to make sum human frittatas
Senator Jethro Bodine: Well that there first part sounds pretty good, but that second part might take a bit a gettin used ta.
Senator Earnest T Bass: The frittata part? Heck, I don even knows what one of thems is.
Her bein all edecated, an bein a doctor's daughter, that's probably jest a nudder of city people's ways ah showin affection fer there men folk.. I'm kinda new to the dating seen, an believe it or not she muh first real live girlfriend, so I figger dat these here relations things might takes a bit a gittin used ta.
I never tol ya this Jethro, but I kinda like's 'em a little wild. Yeeehaa!Senator Jethro Bodine: I kinda figured dat bout ya Earnest. Hey! She gotta sister?
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Movie Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4RVwKNmaX0
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Dr.Jekyll's daughter: I will now drink this potion, and you can watch as it changes me from a mild sweet woman into a hideous blood-thirsty maniac.
Politically incorrect man: Gee, and I just assumed that you were bi-polar!
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Sure sounds like a girl that I used to date, and now I find out that they made a movie about her. As the saying goes: You don't know what you got till it's gone.