Beyond the Door
Juliet Mills plays a young pregnant woman in San Francisco who is going to have the devil's baby during her strange possession. Richard Johnson shows up to help her... but what does he really want?
Take the scripts for the Exorcist, and Rosemary's Baby, put them in a shredder, hang up a piece of sticky flypaper, now take a large fan, and while it is blowing, throw the script shreds into it and whatever sticks to the flypaper, is the script for Beyond the Door. Have Ed Wood direct this movie blindfolded, and with one arm tied behind his back, and you now have a riffers dream movie.

Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
tsarstepan commented
Lest we forget.... -
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
"Who aaaaaarrrrrreee yoooou?"
tsarstepan commented
Duck 182 commented
I never had a movie make myself physically ill until I saw this one.
Andy in NJ commented
My favorite Exorcist rip-off!
Dan Sargent commented
See the nanny in Nanny And The Professor get possessed by the devil in this Exorcist rip off.