Invisible Invaders
I've always loved this movie. What would happen if invisible alien invaders were to take over dead human bodies and use them to do their evil work? Would you call this "Plan 9 from Outer Space"? Well it sure has a similar story line. A very serious, no nonsense, John Agar works around the clock to find a way to defeat these seemingly indestructible creatures. Can John save the world before the movie is over? John could sure use some riffing help to find the answer to this seemingly impossible dilemma.

Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
The Invisible Invader was in it's final stage of implementing it's complete take-over of the entire Earth, when it unexpectedly ran into a very dear old friend from it's home planet, coming out of the local liquor store.
They immediately both ran to each other and tearfully embraced, and then they both said simultaneously:"Long time no see!"
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
The Invisible Invader had just one last thing left on his bucket list before he enslaved all of mankind and took control of the Earth. He always wanted an autograph from and his picture taken with his most favorite actor in the galaxy, William Shatner. The Invisible Invader went to the Star Trek Convention being held in Oregon He went in without paying for admission, (He could do this because he was invisible.) He cut to the front of a huge line of fans waiting to meet-n-greet William Shatner, (He could do this because he was invisible). When he entered into the bright, almost blinding light, which was William Shatner, the Invisible Invader said:
Invisible Invader: May I have your autograph Mr. Shatner?
William Shatner: Who said that? Is there somebody there? I don't see anyone?
Invisible Invader: I would like your autograph and a photo with you, if that is possible, please?
William Shatner: Did you pay the extra fifty-dollars in U.S. money for my autograph and the photo-op?
Invisible Invader: Yes sir, all paid up.
William Shatner: Well then, hand me your 8x10 glossy of me and tell me what you would like me to write.
Invisible Invader: Could you please write: Resistance is Futile, Death to All Earthling Scum, Affectionately Yours William Shatner.
William Shatner: There is an extra five-dollar fee for exceeding the autograph sentiment limit.
Invisible Invader: That's fine, it's worth it.
William Shatner: OK, now let's take our picture together, remember no touching. Smile for the cameraman.
I better not see my autographed picture for sale on E-bay next week! If I do, I want a cut of the money that you made on the sale.Invisible Invader: I shall be the envy of all of my friend on my planet.
Invisible Invader: Thank-you so much, and "Live Long and Prosper" Mr. Shatner.
William Shatner: Ha ha, well said my friend. How refreshing, that is the first time I have ever heard one of my fans ever say that to me.
The exit is to your left...NEXT! -
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented
Q) Why did the Invisible Invader cross the road?
A) "He did?" " I never saw him do that!" "Are you sure that he crossed the road?"
"Maybe he was just standing by the road, but never actually crossed it." "Do you have any video evidence that he crossed the road?" " I heard that he was sitting a diner in Omaha the whole time of the alleged incident, and was nowhere near any roads."(Note: This is what happens when you ask an Invisible Invader lawyer any questions!)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q) What did the Invisible Invader say to his buddy about his first date with an Earth woman?
A) You know Qakilothorip, the whole time we were together, she acted like I wasn't there.
Q) What is the Invisible Invader's favorite movie?A) The Invisible Man.
Q) What did the Invisible Invader promise voters if they elected him to be President?A) He promised them that he would be transparent.
Q) In the end, what was the reason that the voters didn't elect the Invisible Invader to be President?A) They saw right through him.
Q) Why did the Invisible Invader file a discrimination lawsuit against the fast food restaurant?A) Every time that he tried to give his food order, he was completely ignored.
Q) What is on the top of the Invisible Invader's bucket list?A) To one day have his portrait painted.
Q) What was the second thing on the Invisible Invader's bucket list?A) To be a recognized actor, and be chased by the paparazzi.
Q) How do you know if you have said something to upset an Invisible Invader?A) It becomes visibly agitated.
The Invisible Invader was caught shoplifting at a 99 Cent Only Store. The police arrest, book, and throw the Invisible Invader into jail.Q) Why was the Invisible Invader angry with the police?
A) It hated the way it looked in it's mug shot photo.
Q) How did the police know that the Invisible Invader was the one who committed the crime?A) It was positively identified by an eyewitness in a police lineup.
Q) Why did the Invisible Invader dislike going out in public?A) It was often mistaken for Adam Sandler.
Dilbert Thockmeyer commented if the invaders are invisible...ummmm how do you even like know if you're being invaded?