The Christmas Tree- Animated Christmas Abomination
1991 animated christmas movie. An all around bad movie- bad animation, bad voice characters, etc. Orphans, mean caretaker, and the Orphans best friend is a tree. YES a tree. Some how the children seem to live really close to santa claus. Its been called the Room version of Christmas Special bad.

Anonymous commented
This movie is a beautiful abomination. Here are ten reasons you need to riff it.
1. The animation is choppy and jittery as if drawn by a half-dozen over-caffeinated raccoons. Sometimes entire portions of characters are missing.
2. The voice acting is impossible to adequately describe. Were the characters voiced by actual children? Perhaps people trying to gargle their lines while scuba diving? Was every actor required to swallow a handful of Valium before recording? It’s a mystery!
3. When and where is this movie set? Why is the mayor’s place further away than the North Pole? I don’t know! But I challenge you to find a satisfying explanation.
4. It’s like one of those upsetting Victorian Christmas cards came to life and it will haunt your dreams forever.
5. At one point you see two figures that never were completed. Like you have two random shadow people in the final product because some poor cartoonist never finished drawing the people.
6. Where are the extra two kids coming from Ray?!
7. A tree straight up electrocutes a person.
8. Who wrote this? What drugs were they on? Where can I get some.
9. Maybe I’m the one on drugs and I’m hallucinating the movie. That makes more sense.
10. Not when you go through the window!
ebinrock commented
Mrs. Mavilda's obviously the *other* sister of The Wicked Witch of the West! Someone oughtta drop a house on her!
Drew Curlee commented
This should be a RiffTrax Live show.
KT Koskela commented
No, not the one called "Magic Christmas Tree"... OR the 1996 version.
I'm talking about the 1991 disastabomination that people say is "The Room" of animated movies, but is so ungodly horrendous and so insulting to Christmas specials that it has with every lack of doubt deserved to be declared the worst Christmas special of all time, because there was NO effort put into any of this (even BIRDEMIC was less half-assed than this) and any sense of it being so bad it's good being destroyed by the complete disrespect it gives to the highly-loved holiday with the laziest of morals in Christmas specials. Riff at your own risk! Here's the link: