International Airport (1985)
The manager of a large metropolitan airport tries to deal with the stress of his job, and the various characters that work for him. There is essentially no main plot to carry the film. The entire movie is built up of subplots.
This ABC TV movie of the week stars Gil Gerard ("BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY"), and features such actors as Bill Bixby ("THE INCREDIBLE HULK"), Robert Vaughn (THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN), Kurtwood Smith (ROBOCOP), Vera Miles (PSYCHO) and George Kennedy (the AIRPORT and NAKED GUN franchises).
A copy available on youtube actually includes commercials, similar to the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Maybe you guys could do something with that.

Toyland Chairman commented
Rats! Looks like the movie was removed from YouTube. Still recommend it, though.