It's killer frogs. Who aren't frogs, but toads. DUBBED toads. Who are somehow able to kill people merely by sitting in the same room and staring at them, much like tarantulas are able to kill by walking on you with their fuzzy, fuzzy legs. (Yes, there is one of those inexplicable deaths as well. Apparently no one in the seventies ever opened their world book encylopedia to tarantula.) It's another death caused by lizards, who knock a bottle of poison off a shelf to kill the human because apparently lizards can read labels now. It's rich entitled stupid people getting their comeupance. It's a tiny yellow onesie on a tiny white woman. And a killer turtle. "Today the pond - tomorrow the WORLD!"
It's killer frogs. Who aren't frogs, but toads. DUBBED toads. Who are somehow able to kill people merely by sitting in the same room and staring at them, much like tarantulas are able to kill by walking on you with their fuzzy, fuzzy legs. (Yes, there is one of those inexplicable deaths as well. Apparently no one in the seventies ever opened their world book encylopedia to tarantula.) It's another death caused by lizards, who knock a bottle of poison off a shelf to kill the human because apparently lizards can read labels now. It's rich entitled stupid people getting their comeupance. It's a tiny yellow onesie on a tiny white woman. And a killer turtle. "Today the pond - tomorrow the WORLD!"