Green Lantern (2011)
I am sure you all agree that this needs to be riffed.
Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan is granted an alien ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers that inducts him into an intergalactic police force, the Green Lantern Corps.

thefinitemonkey commented
How has Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern not been riffed yet? Seems like Twilight levels of potential there.
Weasel's Buddy commented
Don't you wish you'd listened to all of us who were begging you -- literally, BEGGING! -- to riff this one, back when it first came out, so you'd have something to cash in on all of that sweet, sweet Ryan Reynolds/DEADPOOL money/mania going around right now? Hmmmmmmm...?
Stash10 commented
I'd love to see you riff this green lantern movie!!