Horror at 37,000 Feet
Poseidon Adventure meets Exorcist meets Airport meets TV movie
A 70's dream cast - Shatner, Buddy Ebsen, Chuck Conners. And Russell Johnson!

lukemason76 commented
I just bumped into a discussion on this at https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/269791/70s-movie-about-a-night-flight-during-the-night-of-the-witches and it immediately made me come here to see if it was already riffed
Timothy Maher commented
I'd like to see Mike, Bill, Kevin, Bridget and Mary Jo Tackle this one.
Watched this on YouTube... WOW! As pretty much everybody below pointed out, it screams for a riff! The fact the Shatner is in it is funny enough, but it's even more ironic that he's in another plane disaster! "There's SOMEthing... on the WING... of the PLANE!" "SPOOOOOK!"
Horrorist commented
Riff this, and the entire Rifftrax team can have their way with me. Singly, or in teams.
The Buzzard commented
Still? This movie *still* hasn't been riffed?
Do I even KNOW you people???
San Jose Peregrine commented
So, SO terrible. A movie that actually would have been *improved* by the addition of a Chad Everett, or a Pam Dawber.
Der_Wannabe_Kranken commented
Hey, they almost forgot to add Barbara Eden, Elizabeth Montgomery, and Marlo Thomas to this one. Two good ways to make has-beens out of lovable female 1960's TV sitcom starlets; 1)Put them in disaster movies. 2)Put them in overly-dramatic B-rated made-for-TV movies.
ViolaFury commented
Please pleasepleaseplease riff this! There's more than enough ham to go around, not only from the Shat-man, but from the screaming chick with the huge mouth and the Twiggy 'do. If that were not enough, the bongos and jungle drums and discordant aleatory music would lead one to believe the Horror was not only at 37,000 Feet, but 37,000 eons in the past! :D
Anonymous commented
I don't think I've ever seen Shatner look so... *ashamed* before.
K-9 Bugle commented
All that's missing is Peter Marshall and Brett Somers, as pilot and co-pilot.
LaFevre commented
What? No Buddy Hackett?
katya commented
I feel like I ought to be taking Charlie Weaver to block.
Carlotta Valdez commented
I feel like I ought to be taking Charles Nelson Reilly to block.
Shankman commented
The real horror is that, halfway through, the movie turns into a Friar's roast.
Russian Mike commented
All this needs is a James Darren or a Tony Franciosa, and we could play Washed-Up TV Leading Man Bingo!
RiffTraxMatter commented
William Shatner AND Russell Johnson... both in the very same film?