Crime Zone
A"Zone" movie from 1989 starring David Carradine as the bad guy who wants to stop things from happening- it has all the future apocolyptic gritty weirdness of "City Limits", a Human League video and "Bladerunner" but no pesky mechanical gun hand to distract you from the crime! There is a hunk hero, suspense, car chases, awkward sexuality, lots of inexplicable use of the f-word, and maybe the girl from Roxette? I'm surprised you guys haven't done this yet- This is one movie that really ought to be in the Rifftrax wheel house- or the "zone"
Bob Jones commented
Okay this sounds like one they love to do and wouldn't surprise me if they do someday!
Kristy commented
Ok guys! Here are more links to one of the best worst movies evah!