king kong exscapes
The evil Dr. Who makes a robot Kong to dig element 'x' from the frozen earth of the north pole, but the hypnotic power of the 'x' keeps shutting the robot down. So Who and his henchmen go to Mondo island to get the real thing.There are monster fights robot monster fights a great toy sub Dr. Who dresses like he's in a 'Kiss' tribute band.If you just watch this movie you'll have to riff it, it's impossible not to.
- commented
Not the worst Kong movie, but definitely the doofiest, with classic moments like this one:
Mandrake commented
Kong vs Mecha Kong. Great reminder that Kong lacks any of Godzilla's charisma. -
ed sciola commented
shoot i spelled escapes wrong and didn't even notice, sorry . you guys should still riff this movie though