Street Trash
This is just a terrible acting showcase highlighted with people melting into pools of neon colored eighties-ness. A liquor store starts selling Viper, a forty year old brand of liquor that has gone bad.. REAL BAD! (their words not mine).
amazing acting -
more amazing acting -
trailer -
full movie -

riffarama commented
you got my Viper man?
Matthew Miller commented
I first heard of the movie "Street Trash" from the Caustic Soda Podcast episode "Cinematastrophes – Brain Damage & Street Trash." If I remember correctly, the movie's director or writer admitted they deliberately made the movie to offend as many people as possible.
The movie is brutal, including at least one gang rape scene. MST3K was able to edit out the rape scene in SideHackers when they covered it for Comedy central, but a "jokes only" MP3 would require the Riffers address these scenes.
On the bright side, editing the movie to slice away any content Mike and company don't want to Riff won't hurt the plot in the least.The question becomes one of if the film is worth the cost of licensing it and the effort of editing it.