Practical Magic
Nicole Kidman & Sandra Bullock at their hammiest.

Tara commented
Anonymous commented
It's probably against the grain in terms of what you guys normally riff (it's supposed to be like a dark comedy/romance with some magic thrown in, I guess?). But there are so many points of awkward dialogue, lack of common sense, kid dialogue, and a whole lot of witchcraft.
It's one of my favorite movies and I recently saw it again in my adulthood (the last time I saw it I was 10 or so), and realized how corny it was. I'd love to hear what you guys think of it. Or it could be a Mary Jo/Bridgette movie to riff!
Kristy commented
Spoiler alert!!!
This movie is so different- I didn't like it when I first saw it because of the beginning- best husband to ever breathe air on God's green earth apparently not smart enough to keep from getting ran over