North Dallas Forty
Come on guys you throw in Nick Nolte jokes in every riff yet his films go un riffed, here you got Nolte in the 70s playing a washed up football player on the brink of being tossed on his ass, he's drunk a lot, lots of hangover scenes, it's Nolte at is "aw hell" best.

G Pope commented
Nolte *and* Mac Davis?!? SOLD.
1212 commented
Only in the Hollywood of the '70s could anyone possibly look at Nick Nolte, sober, and think Oh, yeah, DEFINITELY a football body."
Anonymous commented
You just know Mac Davis is staring at Nolte, in that photo, and thinking: "Baby, baby, don't get hooked on meeeeeeeeeee..."
Gordo commented
Mike has to do the entire riff "in character," as Nolte!
JRob commented
As many times as faux Nolte has been dragged, boozy and bumbling, into other riffs: you absolutely, inarguably and unquestionably OWE it (to both him *and* us) to do The Full Nolte.