City Hunter (1993)
During the ninties, Japanese studios thought it would be fun to turn popular manga/anime into live-action films, long before Spielberg thought of doing it with 'The Flintstones.'
Anyhoo, City Hunter is based off the manga/anime with the same name, with Jackie Chan (no kidding) as the main character, Ryu Saeba.
Though I have nothing against Mr. Chan, if you've ever remotely viewed the manga/anime, you'll question the casting, because this would be like casting Steve Martin as Inspector Clea... oh, wait, never mind....
Back to the film, the story has Ryu and his associate Karoi searching for the daughter of a Japanese publishing magnate (sure, why not), when they get caught up in the middle of a cruiser hijacking (doncha hate when that happens) and it's up to Ryu and his crew to save the daughter and foil the bad guys.
Apparently when the producers made this film, they obviously threw out the character backgrounds and told Jackie just to play a happy-go-lucky person who happens to be an investigator. Because throughout the film itself, Ryu foils the bad guys out of sheer dumb luck than the typical kung-fu style you usually see Chan do in his films.
Since I loved your riff on Bruce Lee's 'Fist of Fury,' this one RiffTrax should immediately do this one right away!
You have to see it to believe it..

Fangarius commented - For the film itself, sorry for not posting it up sooner, but this wasn't available in full before.