The Rocketeer
Long before they owned Marvel or made "The Incredibles," Disney tried to bring a fairly unknown comic book character to the silver screen with "The Rocketeer."
Set in 1938 Los Angeles, a hot shot pilot named Cliff Secord (I'm not kidding) and his mechanic buddy Peavy (not the stereo system) find a prototype rocket pack. Once they reveal that they have it, they start being chased by FBI, Mobsters, and even Nazis.
Disney tried very hard to make it work but in the end it fell very short of the source material. Watching it reminded me of the old Captain Cody shorts on MST3K. Even the helmet looks the same.
Starring Billy "Who?" Campbell, Alan "I have no career left" Arkin, Jennifer "Hulk seems like a good idea" Connelly, Timothy "The Second Worst Bond" Dalton, and Paul "Typecast" Sorvino.
It also stars a character named 'Lothar' who looks like he stole the chin of the late Robert Z'Dar.

I used to be a huge Disney fan... but now, after seeing recent "bad and cheesy" Disney attempts, I have no problem insulting them from time to time... but I still love Frozen and Tangled!!! :)