Shock! Shock! Shock!
Don't settle for mere Shock, Shock, Shock, demand exclamation points! An escaped slasher whose violence is triggered by mocking laughter couldn’t have picked a worse movie to be in! A cackling bulletproof Jack Nicholson wannabe, a claymation cat monster, and one of the most convoluted super-hero origins in history combine to be utterly upstaged by extraterrestrial interpretive dance! Featuring the disembodied voice of Dr. Clayton Forrester!

Ensign_Ricky commented
Also features the late, great James Gandolfini in his first film role. It's small, but it's there.
Kristy commented
Hmmmm sounds hyper- I mean HYPER! HYPER! HYPER! Lol
J. Lively commented
Like some blasphemous, unspeakable cinematic collaboration between Uwe Boll and Art Clokey.
Jamie commented
Three exclamation points in a single title! Another (potential) RiffTrax first!
brassinpocket commented
Three exclamation points, in a single film title! A potential TiffTrax first!
Gordo commented
You had me at "claymation cat monster."