Necropolis Awakened
Please check out this stink bomb of a horror/action flick. it came out in 2002 and I watched it thinking it was going to be a pretty good movie. I laughed my tail off with this movie.
I don't know if budget or ego was an issue but there are three guys with the same last name (White-I think they're brothers) and they all play multiple parts in this stinfest.
Without Riffs I laughed my tail off (assuming you believe I had a tail to being with), but with Mike, Kevin and Bill doing what they would to do this movie I know I would mess my pants. (I mean that In a good way)
If you guys decide to "Riff-O-Lize" this stinkburger of a flick I would have to borrow a pair of my neighbors Depends- Oh TMI (sorry)
I am asking you to INVEST 93min of your time to watch this cinematic waste, because I know the magic of Mike, Kevil and Bill will turn this turd into RiffTrax gold.
You can check out what IMDb says or I will include the DVD cover and brief description here, thanks Dave