Skullduggery (1983)
My dad sunk $10k of my college fund into this thing when I was in fifth grade. He's from MN, too, used to work at Hamm's Brewery, lived by Swede Hollow. There are people pleading on the iMDB boards from 2002-on begging you to riff this movie. There's also a "great" review of it up at: And look at this clip and tell me you couldn't riff the hell out of this: PLEASE PLEASE RIFF THIS MOVIE!
tsarstepan commented
Yes.Generic brand D&D as backdrop to drug-induced slasher film? Sure thing. Riff this one please.
Sara commented
Please riff this movie! You're doing things like "Last Slumber Party" now, so this should fit right in. Not to mention that it is pretentiously, relentlessly stupid and has one of the most laughable theme songs ever. You could have great fun with it!
Kate commented
I love this movie so much, it is the absolute worst!
Lisa Schotzke commented
o. m. g. mst3k is BACK and i NEVER KNEW? and skullduggery is like THE perfect movie for u guys!!! I have the theme song memorized! Look in my eyes, what do you see, skullduggery, skullduggery, I just found a clue it's all gone WOOO!!!! *I LOVE YOU MIKE AND KEVIN AND BILL*!
Rick Strand commented
Came here from iMDB too. Don't know if you know this, but there's another hilarious review of it done by SpoonyOne. It's over here:
And these are the mst3k guys? They're back?!? Thank you for letting me know and if any admin reads this, you guys really ought to riff this flick. --Rick -
John Stewardson commented
lol mate yer right, came here from the link you posted on imdb, its honestly the worst "movie" I've ever seen haha and that review you posted is spot on, mate, good on ya, let's get this riffed
Kip commented
iMDB board comments (hilarious!) here:
Kip commented
iMDB board comments all here:
Kip commented
Oh, and the 3 good reasons? First, read the review link to I posted. Second, it has an evil PUPPET in it, along with the director (Ota Richter) walking around in a bathrobe with a Tic-Tac-Toe board on it. Third, there's a guy named Dr. Evol who has a henchman who dresses in a gold lame (lam-ay :p) bodysuit. Additionally, my father, who is from MN, invested my college fund into it (and lost it, we lost every cent) AND got my aunt and uncle who *still* live in MN to invest in as well (and yes, they also lost all their money). I was at the *premiere* of this thing in Wellesley, MA (the theater has now been destroyed and turned into a Pizzeria Uno -- I actually wish they would burn the whole place down and salt the ground after I saw that thing), so you will be investing heavily in MN karma. Also, if you look it up on IMDB, there are people begging you to riff it from BEFORE RIFFTRAX EXISTED. People in 2001, 2002, etc, sad that MST3k was gone, saying "if the MST3k guys ever do a reunion, this movie should be at the top of their list" (taken straight from the IMDB boards). From the Something Awful review: "There aren't enough obscenities in the English vocabulary for what I want to say, so I'm going to have to modify one: superfuck you, Ota Richter. Superfuck you and your superfucking movie."
Kip commented
Oh, and the 3 good reasons? First, read the review link to I posted. Second, it has an evil PUPPET in it, along with the director (Ota Richter) walking around in a bathrobe with a Tic-Tac-Toe board on it. Third, there's a guy named Dr. Evol who has a henchman who dresses in a gold lame (lam-ay :p) bodysuit. Additionally, my father, who is from MN, invested my college fund into it (and lost it, we lost every cent) AND got my aunt and uncle who *still* live in MN to invest in as well (and yes, they also lost all their money). I was at the *premiere* of this thing in Wellesley, MA (the theater has now been destroyed and turned into a Pizzeria Uno -- I actually wish they would burn the whole place down and salt the ground after I saw that thing), so you will be investing heavily in MN karma. Also, if you look it up on IMDB, there are people begging you to riff it from BEFORE RIFFTRAX EXISTED. People in 2001, 2002, etc, sad that MST3k was gone, saying "if the MST3k guys ever do a reunion, this movie should be at the top of their list" (taken straight from the IMDB boards). From the Something Awful review: "There aren't enough obscenities in the English vocabulary for what I want to say, so I'm going to have to modify one: superfuck you, Ota Richter. Superfuck you and your superfucking movie."
Kip Lange commented
My dad sunk $10k of my college fund (when I was in fifth grade) into this movie. PLEASE RIFF IT! There's a review up on right here: