Capricorn One (1978)
I can't believe no one has recommended this one. The gov't fakes a landing on Mars, then decides that they can't afford to keep the "astronauts" alive! It stars the usual staples of '70's actors, including, wait for it... O.J. Simpson! What's not to riff?

Tomi Antenna commented
I swear to god, I only saw this today, and halfway through I was thinking the same as the previous posters in this thread- there is NO WAY this isn't already riffed by RT.
And it pains me to repeat that there is NO WAY you haven't already riffed this.
You've had five years. I swear, if you don't riff it, I will.
Fangarius commented
This was actually a satire on those who believed the gov't had somehow faked the Moon landing, but here it was done with Mars.
Anonymous commented
So bleakly terrible, it actually causes ripples in the space/time continuum when played!
JamesRye commented