Invitation to Hell (1984 starring Susan Lucci)
Watch the first 2 minutes on Youtube; it's worth it.

Kathryn Snyder commented
Hi Everyone, I have seen this movie years ago. I think it's waiting to be riffed.
Thanks -
Oliver Langland commented
Bridget and Mary Jo should definitely riff this.
Forest of Toys TV commented
100% agree when Susan lucci blows up that dude with finger guns … brilliant. Also the heavy hand of foreshadowing
Fangarius commented
Let me expand on this one, before The Gates, before the film, Society, this was the TV-Movie that started the entire 'demonic gated community craze.' And I'm not talking about 'Stepford Wives' sinister, either.
Basically the film stars Robert Urich, a young Soleil Moon Frye (pre-Punky Brewster), and the kid from NeverEnding Story as well as Joanna Cassidy. Oh, and Susan Lucci..
Anyhoo, Urich plays a NASA Scientist, where he and his family move into this beautiful community, and they meet up with Susan Lucci, who is head of the local health club. The first tip off that something's amiss is when Lucci mystically deep fries the chaffeur who tries to leave the club.
Nonetheless, Urich's character refuses to join, but somehow Lucci persuades his family to sign up. Later he discovers his family has acquired a radical personality change that would make Norman Bates and the Addams Family appear quite average. My favorite disturbing scene is where Soleil goes Psycho on her stuffed animal, then suddenly sees Urich and goes all innocent saying 'Hello, Daddy.'
Ironically Urich finds out something amiss through the spacesuit he is developing for the company, even uncovering that some of his fellow workers are not human. The funny part about this is that the 'demons' aren't aware of Urich discovering their secret via the suit, but instead by making an unauthorized visit to the spa itself. Apparently not dealing with the smartest of demonic forces here, except for Lucci herself.
This one definitely begs riffing for the fact as Mike once pointed out, this film is the typical fare of people not behaving normally as they would in this kind of situation. And the fact the possessed people seem more disturbingly hilarious than frightening. RiffTrax definitely needs to riff on this TV-Movie.