Batman (1966 movie)
I'd love to see you guys riff the 1966 Batman movie with Adam West and Burt Ward.

Digi-Akuma commented
Please do it. It's an enjoyable movie in non-riff form, but I think you guys should do it, especially with the recent passing of Adam West.
Mike Flugennock commented
I first saw this back in high school, in the early '70s, on local TV. I was a big fan of the TV series as a young boy in the '60s, and this movie is basically a really long "Batman" episode, complete with their classic stable of villains including Burgess Merideth as the Penguin, and the delightfully over-the-top Frank Gorshin as the Riddler, among others.
I really dug it the first time I saw it, and lately I'm thinking it would've been great on MST3K, and still hope RiffTrax can take a good whack at it.
Anonymous commented
If you can find the right version Adam West and Burt Ward have already riffed this movie in the commentary. Still would like to hear Mike, Bill, and Kevin riff it too.
DanielMcConkey commented
There are some days when you just can't get rid of a bomb.