Saving Christmas
Dear RiffTrax,
I would really love to see the movie "Saving Christmas" with Kirk Cameron, as it has been rated the worst movie on IMDb and looks absolutely god-awful. However, I do not believe that I, my wife, or our friends can accomplish this endeavor without the grace that is RiffTrax commentary. Please, for the love of Kirk Cameron's white, Christian God, riff this awful waste of human effort!
tsarstepan commented
This **** film is 79 minutes long. Take a dang guess why it's so poorly paced (including those creepy infomercial pauses by Kirk Cameron sitting by a fire) especially as it starts off basically an infomercial. How much shorter would have been if it was properly edited (removing the pauses as well)? It would likely not make feature film length.
emperorcupcake522 commented
This movie is so ridiculous, I feel like many Christians would be put off by its pro-materialism message and not be offended by it being riffed. It's also hilarious and rife for riffing, especially the crazy shirt guy, the conspiracy theorist guy, and the time padder, I mean, the awesome breakdancing scene at the end!
Bert commented
Won't happen beacause Mike Nelson is a traditional christian himself apparently. Yeah, I admit, I was dissapointed when I found that out. Anyway, that would basically mean he could see how afwul a movie this is, but at the same time go... well, I do subscribe to its values... sort of. I hope to be proven wrong on this one though!
Justin commented
Please do this. It would literally be the best RiffTrax ever.
Roger Moore commented
Please? PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?
uclime commented
This one beat "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" on IMDB's Bottom 100, and judging from the trailer, I can see why. Kirk Cameron attempting to pop-and-lock is just icing on the cake, with nitroglycerin sprinkles.